The club organization that interested me was club basketball. I contacted the leader of club basketball, Marguerite Rivara, and asked him how he became a leader and what he thought it took to be a leader.
Marguerite began by being a regular member his freshman year. He would show up and do the regular things that freshman do…you should all know how it is being a freshman considering thats what we currently are! From there, during his sophomore year, he ran for a leadership position as secretary. Following secretary, Marguerite moved on to President. As you can see, he did not immediately become president of girls club basketball. He had to gain the qualities that a leader must have so he could run this organization smoothly and effectively. Marguerite told me that the qualities for the position of being President include “a lot of organizational skills, a passionate personality, and a go getter attitude.” Something else that captured my attention was when he told me that you have to WANT to get things done and you have to WANT the team to be successful. Putting things like this ahead of yourself will only bring positive outcomes. Finally, Marguerite gave me advice for becoming a leader of an organization. He told me to speak up and fully dedicate myself to whatever it is I’m doing because people will respect that! He gave me a better perspective of what it truly takes to be a leader not only in clubs and organizations but in all aspects of life!